Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had a nice, relaxing holiday!
We started a new unit in math - addition. The grade 2's will learn adding strategies (counting up, doubles, making tens), how to count change, and how to add 2 digit numbers with and without regrouping. The grade 3's will learn how to round to the nearest 10 to estimate sums and differences, how to add and subtract 2 digit and 3 digit numbers, and how to add and subtract money.
In Language, we are continuing with our persuasive writing. We are also reading the chapter book Miss Klute is a Hoot! which the students are really enjoying!
In Social Studies, the grade 2's are going to begin their research of a celebration in the next couple of days. The grade 3's continue to learn about early settlers in Canada. 
In Drama, the students are busy working on plays.  They will present them to the class using a lot of vocal and facial expressions. 
In Art, we went on a hot air balloon ride last week!