Our Structures unit in Science is coming to an end. To finish it off, the students are going to make their own structures, using paper, tape, glue, straws and popsicle sticks. We are going to test their strength by putting as many soup cans as we can on them before they break. The students have been busy planning their designs and there are some students who need some materials from home. I can provide the paper (bristol board, construction paper and white printer paper), and straws. Your child will come home with a list on Friday of other materials that they would like. Please send these items with your child to school on Monday as that will be our building day.
Here is a YouTube video clip that we watched to get some inspiration:
Structures Video
Also, if you could send in some soup cans (like the ones pictured here) to test our structures, that would be great. If you would like them returned home, please put your child's name on them, otherwise I will donate them to the food bank when we are finished with them. Thank you!
At the beginning of each week, the students are given a new poem for their poem books. We read the poem a different way each day of that week (e.g., all together, boys, girls, individually, with their groups and in partners). Here is this week's poem. Ask your child to read it to you!
In writing, we have been busy learning how to write narratives. Check out our plan and our story for the one we wrote together!
The Lost Pets
Welcome to Mrs. Coates' 2/3 Class blog! I am excited to share the happenings of our classroom with you on an ongoing basis. Please check back regularly for updates.