Thursday, 4 December 2014

Putting the question in the answer

We were interviewing each other and practicing answering using part of the question in the answer.

Friday, 28 November 2014

Measuring the primary hall

The grade 3s and I were wondering how long the primary hall is so using only 4 metre sticks, they measured the length.  They found that the hall is 55 m and 39 cm long!

Wednesday, 26 November 2014


Wednesday we read with our grade 8 buddies!  The students in both classes really enjoy this time!


We have finished our data management unit and are into measurement now. The grade 2's are learning to measure linear distances, perimeter and area with standard (cm) and non-standard units (paper clips, cubes, etc.). The grade 3's are learning to estimate and compare lengths in centimetres and metres and they will learn how long a kilometre is. They will also estimate, measure and compare perimeters and areas. 

Monday, 17 November 2014

November already!

It's hard to believe that it's November already!  It was great to see the students enjoying the snow today!  
We are finishing writing our recounts - the grade 2's wrote about their best birthday and the grade 3's wrote about their field trip to the Pioneer Village.  Next up for writing, is writing persuasive texts.  
In reading, we are going to be learning how to use part of the question in our answers.  
In math, we are finishing up our data management unit and will be starting measurement shortly.
In science, we know what the mealworms become now - beetles!  We have several crawling around in their cage!  
We are busy preparing for Thursday's student-led conferences and I am looking forward to seeing the students and their families. 

Thursday, 2 October 2014


In both grades, we finished our number sense and numeration unit and are into our patterning unit.  The grade 2's are working on creating patterns using two attributes.  Soon, we will start looking at growing and shrinking number patterns. 
The grade 3's are learning about growing number patterns and pattern rules.  They will also learn to identify, extend, and create a repeating pattern using two attributes.

Even the Cat in the Hat is helping out with patterning!

It worked!

Our seeds germinated!!  Check out the roots, stem and leaves in this student's cup!

Friday, 19 September 2014


We have been busy in science doing experiments.  The grade 2's are taking care of some mealworms and anxiously waiting to see what insect they will become after they go through metamorphosis.

The grade 3's did an experiment to see how the stem of a plant works.  We started with 2 stalks of celery and put them in cups of water.  We put some red food colouring in one cup and some blue food colouring in the other cup and left it over night.  When we came back to school the next day, the leaves of the celery stalk had changed colour and the water level had gone down.  We learned that the stem transports the water to the leaves. (I don't know why the picture is upside down - I have tried everything to flip it around!)

Now, we are trying to germinate seeds without putting them in soil so that we can see how it happens.  We are using black eyed beans and keeping them in a cup with a wet paper towel.  I will post more pictures when the beans sprout.

Sunday, 7 September 2014

September 8 to 12

What a great first week we had!  We have an amazing class and I am so excited for this year!  The students showed me that they are really good listeners and hard workers.  I am enjoying getting to know them better.  Thank you to those who have already signed up for Remind.  If you haven't signed up yet, the info is on the side.
During our literacy block, we are getting into the routine of reading daily, writing a 'Me Book', and answering questions based on the book "First Day Jitters" by Julie Danneberg.

Our first unit in math is number sense.  The grade 2's are looking at numbers to 100 and different ways to make the same number (using tens frames, base ten blocks, money, tally marks, and addition and subtraction questions using the hundreds chart, eg., 40 - 6 = 34, 31 + 3 = 34).  The grade 3's are looking at numbers to 1000.  They will learn about different ways to write numbers (expanded form:  50 + 3, numeral:  53, number word: fifty-three, tens and ones: 5 tens 3 ones), different ways to make the same number using base ten blocks. For e.g., 624 = 6 hundreds 2 tens 4 ones or 5 hundreds 12 tens 4 ones, skip counting forward and backward by 2s, 5s, 10s and 25s, starting at different numbers, and comparing and ordering 3-digit numbers.

In science, the grade 2's are learning about growth and changes in animals and the similarities and differences between the 6 animal groups.  The grade 3's are learning about growth and changes in plants and how we use plants in our daily lives. 

We will be starting our home reading program this week, so stay tuned for more information to be sent home! 

Sunday, 1 June 2014

The Water Cycle

We have been learning about the water cycle in science.  Your child brought home a pamphlet that they made about each step in the water cycle (evaporation, condensation and precipitation).  Please review this with your child until they can explain it to you without looking at the pamphlet.  The students will be writing an explanation of the water cycle in class later this week.  Thank you! 

Thursday, 10 April 2014

The Week That Was...

We are coming to the end of a busy week.  The students wrote their final narrative piece.  I'll send them home after I mark them.  In reading, the students are learning to retell non-fiction texts by identifying 3 things they learned, 2 interesting facts and 1 question they have.  In math, the grade 2's are starting a unit on multiplication and division.  The students will learn how to explain multiplication as the combining of equal groups, e.g., show that 3 groups of 2 is equal to 2 + 2 + 2 and to 3 X 2.  The grade 3's are nearing the end of their algebra unit, determining the missing number in one and two digit equations, e.g., 24 - 5 = 15 + ?, and investigating the properties of 0 and 1 in multiplication.  In science, we are continuing to learn about liquids and solids.  We will be making our floaters early next week so please send in the materials as soon as possible.  In social studies next week, the grade 3's will be comparing a fishing community (Port Stanley) to Chatham-Kent.  The grade 2's will be learning more about life in Zimbabwe.
The poem this week was called Chatterbox, The Rain, which is fitting for April!  

Friday, 28 March 2014

Frog's Lullaby

This week's poem was a fun one!  Your child will enjoy reading it to you.  Once they become fluent at it, challenge each other to read it quickly!

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Snowed in at ICRPS

We have been working on writing narratives in class about being snowed in at school and the students have typed up their first piece using the website  They did a great job and are excited to share their work with you.  Please go to this website and log in with your child.  Our class code is coates23 and your child knows his/her password.  Have your child read their story to you.  Together, edit (fix spelling and punctuation) their story.  Please remember to save (the button is in the top right corner) after you edit the piece.  

Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a relaxing, enjoyable March Break.  
There is a lot happening in our classroom this week.  In writing, the students are starting a new narrative in which they chose the topic.  They have written their plans and introductions, and so far they look great!  In math, the grade 2's are learning how to subtract 2-digit numbers with regrouping.  The grade 3's are finishing their geometry unit, in which they learned about congruent shapes, symmetry, angles, translations, reflections and turns.  In social studies, the grade 2's are starting a unit in which we will compare a warm climate (Zimbabwe) to a cold climate (Nunavut).  The grade 3's will be studying Ontario with a focus on land uses.  In science, we are starting a unit on matter.  We will be investigating the properties of liquids and solids.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Poem of the Week - March 3

Here is our poem for this week.  Along with reading it daily, we will be discussing how the poem is rich in action and imagery and the students will be drawing pictures to show some of these images.

Thursday, 27 February 2014


Our Structures unit in Science is coming to an end.  To finish it off, the students are going to make their own structures, using paper, tape, glue, straws and popsicle sticks. We are going to test their strength by putting as many soup cans as we can on them before they break.  The students have been busy planning their designs and there are some students who need some materials from home.  I can provide the paper (bristol board, construction paper and white printer paper), and straws.  Your child will come home with a list on Friday of other materials that they would like.  Please send these items with your child to school on Monday as that will be our building day.
Here is a YouTube video clip that we watched to get some inspiration:

Structures Video

Also, if you could send in some soup cans (like the ones pictured here) to test our structures, that would be great.  If you would like them returned home, please put your child's name on them, otherwise I will donate them to the food bank when we are finished with them.  Thank you!

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Poem of the Week

At the beginning of each week, the students are given a new poem for their poem books.  We read the poem a different way each day of that week (e.g., all together, boys, girls, individually, with their groups and in partners).  Here is this week's poem.  Ask your child to read it to you!

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Class Narrative

In writing, we have been busy learning how to write narratives. Check out our plan and our story for the one we wrote together!

The Lost Pets


Welcome to Mrs. Coates' 2/3 Class blog!  I am excited to share the happenings of our classroom with you on an ongoing basis.  Please check back regularly for updates.